

The idea for this collection came after I had published Cabins and Camps, Homes and Homesteads in 2003 when folks began to request more information about camps, older camps in particular. 

My intent was to simply list the properties that I had uncovered in my previous research and in the transcription of Louise Goehring Scott’s Oral History Tapes published in 2005. But the work took on a larger and expanded view when my first readers became contributors. This is in no way a complete list. Additions and corrections are welcomed by the compiler. 

I wish to thank Jerry Sholter, Weikert, Carl Catherman, Mifflinburg, and Harold Klauger of Weikert for their early readings, contributions, and suggestions. As this edition of the work neared completion, Judy Blair of Trail’s End and Don Groff and Margaret Kulick of Weikert (Lindale) read the material and Judy added information.  

Then Jack and Judy Shively Wagner did actual field work gathering information, primarily on the properties between Rts. 45 and 192. They made additions and corrections to many other places especially those of the Mifflinburg area or of Mifflinburg owners. Their work appears in Addenda I, along with Judy’s father, Clark Shively’s, narrative of one of his favorite and frequent drives through the mountains. 

For the most part, this is not original research. It is drawn from Louise Scott’s recorded conversations, from stories I uncovered in my earlier work, and from remembrances shared with me over the past 35 years. 

I would strongly urge that anyone interested in a property or properties do additional research to corroborate this information. There are several areas that still need clarification work to correctly identify which cabin was where, owned by whom, and named what through the years. My hopes are that readers will add to this and make corrections and suggestions for the next edition.  

I will continue to work on adding information and expanding our records of bygone days.

Emilie F. Jansma, Sept. 2008