Psychological Personnel

Mary Vanuxem, PhD. - Psychologist 1920-1940?

(Mrs.) DorothyW. (Buchan Ruhl- Senior Psychologist 1930-1955

(Miss) Marian Whitcomb - Psychological tester 1943

Grace M. Brandon, M.S. - Psychometrist 1946-1947?

(Miss) Elizabeth Lasching Psychometric tester 1948

Catherine A. Foltz - M.Ed. - Psychometrist 1948-1950

Ethel N. Hartzler - M.A. - Psychologist 1948-1950

Mr. McIntyre - Psychometrist - 1950

Edith M. Strieter - Psychologist - 1950-1952

(Miss) A. Catherine Schmehl - Psychologist 1954-195 5

Howard I. Low - Psychologist 1954-1955

Thomas M. Lesher, M.A. - Psychology Intern 1955

Byrna P. Levine, M.A. - PJchology Intern 1955

Marjorie S. Mertens, PhD. - Director of Psychological Services 1955?

(Mrs.) Shirley Newcomer Psychological aide 1961

Bob Noll - PSU PhD. candidate intern - tester late 1960s

John F. Quackenbush - Director of Psychological Services before Sept. 1969

Sheldon R. Gelman, PhD. - Re-adjustment unit C 11 - 1967-1969

Don Hartley, PhD. (Bucknell Professor) - Director of Psychology - 1973

Anne E. Kelly, B.S. - Behavior modification

Ron Evans, Director of Psychological and Evaluation Services

Michael Franczak, PhD. Director of Psychological and Educational Services

Carole Madle - Psychological Services

Ron Madie, PhD. - Psycholigist - Director of Psychology 1990?, Staff Development Director 1975-1990? C 10 Behavior Modification Program 22 years of service

S. Reeves Power, PhD - Superintendent 1975

Suzanne T. Power, M.A. Psychological Services

Kay Stewart - Psychological Services 1985

Deb Imler- Director of Psychological Services after 1990

Sue B. Latham, PhD. Director of Psychology 1970s

Ken Risnyk - Psychologist 1993-1998 Psychological Services

Fred Gimino - Director of Psychology

Helen Barshay - Director - (blind) (from NY?)

Mary Ann Benner

Don Bowman - Psychologist 1969-1970 C 10. CSIU# 16

Harry Herman - Psychology Department

Marlin Kerstetter - Aide

Mike Levine - Bloomsburg earlier (NY)

Linda (Wilcoxon) Craighead, PhD. - Psychological Assistant? - 1974

Jane Luppold? - Secretary

Herbert B. Popolow PhD. - Psychologist Dec. 9/2018

Jim Reisinger

Judy Stein - Director C 10, Title 1