
Laurelton Foster Grandparent Program and Other Volunteers:

Possible staff members:  Mary Louise Schweikert, Marion Evelyn (Sampsell) Keithan, Charlotte Lenor (Stere) Long

Dorothy Albright – volunteer in donation center -  dec. 3/2017

Alice and Elton Atwater – State College

Emma conley – Foster Grandparent

Melanie Gross-Landis – Volunteer with the Girl Scouts, 1980s

Gloria (Irwin) Humphry – Boalsburg, Board and  Friends of Laurelton   dec. 5/2014

Charlotte Lenor (Stere) Long – many years a Foster Grandparent -  dec. 10/04

Eva Long – Foster Grandparent

Beatrice (Glover) Loss- Foster Grandparent – dec. 5/2004

Evelyn Chostner Marboe, PhD. State College – Board of Directors Pres. 1990 - 1998

Frances A. (Shade) Miller – Foster Grandparent – dec. 6/2009

Jeanne C. Moore   -  dec. 2/12

Eleanore Ocker – Foster Grandparent

Wendy Rote – pianist for church services

Dorothy (Brungard) Royer – employee first then Foster Grandmother for 17 years -  dec. 12/2005 

Florence Reba  (Catherman) Shively – Foster Grandparent – dec. 3/1989

Margo (Fosse) Skell, PSU class instructor  -  guests in her home

Helen Steese – Foster Grandparent

Kamilla Way – guests in her home

Nettie Zimmerman – Foster Grandparent