Resident Incidents


  • Feb. 20 - p. m. shift - Cot. 10 - 1 window broken
  • Feb. 29 - Resident jumped out of cottage window using sheets knotted together
  • Mar. 3 - 1 window broken in dining room 1 resident drank turpentine - had stomach pumped
  • Mar. 4 - 2 broken windows
  • Mar. 6 - Cot. 11 - it took 3 men to put one resident into the Seclusion Room 3 girls were trying to get a ride
  • Mar. 21 - 2 AWOL - 1 out of the hospital went to Cot. 10
  • Mar. 26 - 2 runaways found in Dubois 2 AWOL
  • April 26 - 1 AWOL
  • Sept. 18 - 3 AWOL
  • Nov. 4 - 3 cold packs were used - two others were disturbed
  • Nov. 13 - 2 residents needed cold packs


  • Jan. 12 - 2 from Cot. 10 - AWOL
  • Jan. 13 - 2 AWOL
  • April 17 - 3 AWOLs returned
  • April 18 - Easter - girls in fighting mood
  • June 10 - Doctor asked for reassignment
  • June 24 - No superintendent
  • June 25 - New superintendent (for your info only
  • Aug. 2 Dr. Derr made Med. Dir.)
  • Sept. 2 - 14 girls AWOL
  • Sept. 3 - 5 girls in Tyrone, 3 in Wilkes Barre
  • Nov. - Cot. 11 - trouble for several days, fighting, 1 AWOL
  • Dec. 27 - 2 more Cot. 11 AWOLs


  • Jan. 9 - 1 Cot. 11 resident stole a bike
  • Jan. 31 - bad weather, 48 attendants couldn't make it in


  • April 13 - opened new psychiatric wing in the hospital
  • Aug. 1 - discontinuing the present therapy in Cot. 11
  • Oct. 30 - 1 runaway
  • Nov. 4 - Trouble and more trouble due to less meds.
  • Nov. 7 - Nothing but trouble in the cottages - gave 5 needles
  • Nov. 18 - Girls were terrible, had to fight with one
  • Nov. 19 - Girls were bad


  • Jan. 18 - 1 AWOL
  • Jan. 29 - CH broke 11 windows, CR broke 1 window
  • Feb. 7 - DB wrecked the dining room, 18 window panes, 3 screens, 2 chairs, 2 tables, and dishes and trays on kitchen floor. P. G. locked in dining room, 10 injections
  • Mar. 2- H. B. broke 1 window in the dining room and 50 windows in the day room. O. L. broke 1 window
  • April 12 - 5 AWOLS to Mifflinburg
  • April 13 - Girls from Linn climbed out window to visit others. Cot. 7 students visiting Linn.
  • April 22 - V. W. climbed out Seclusion Room window and went to visit A Building in her nightgown.
  • May 6 - 8 AWOL 7 from Johnstown, 4 were found in Rebersburg.
  • May 17 - M. W.'s mother came threatening to blow up the place - Sheriff Deputy and 2 State Police men came.
  • June 24 - brought P. D. back from Lewistown jail.
  • July 28 - 2 AWOLs
  • Sept. 7 - 5 AWOLs 1 returned, 4 AWOLs 1 returned
  • Sept. 23 - Girls got wine from a cabin and had a party. 15 - 25 girls in a Seclusion Room. B. M. jumped out of a day room window - had a concussion.
  • Oct. 6 - 2 sisters AWOL


  • Sept. 6 - S. L. broke windows - had to call extra men to pursue her and return her to Seclusion Room.


  • Mar. 26 - Mrs. H. got beat up.
  • June 13 - D. B. from Johnston Cottage, jumped of a wall at Recreation Center and dislocated a hip and was sent to GMC.
  • June 18 - 2 AWOLs
  • Aug 13 - Psychotic students moved to Johnston
  • Sept. 2 - P. R. from Cot. 9 jumped out of a day room window and may have fractured collar bone.


  • Feb. 20 - Due to the heavy snow, Mr. W. drove the Scout to Mifflinburg to pick up help.
  • April 16 - 4 AWOL returned
  • Sept. 18 -1 man walked away - AWOL
  • Dec. 2 - B. F. took glass and scratched her arms, face and more. Residents troubled tonight. L. S. ran out but came back.


  • Feb. 2 - 1 AWOL
  • Feb. 11 - M. H., parolee, stole $5.00 from church.
  • Feb. 22 - R. M. broke glass and swallowed some
  • Feb. 24 - R. M. ate more glass
  • Mar. 3 - near riot in Johnston Cottage. M. L., E. C. , R. M. threatened to harm staff, locked themselves in office. R. M. had a deep laceration from breaking windows.
  • Mar. 4 - R. S. choked M. L.
  • Mar. 6 - R. M. on rampage. Broke a window, gave men a tussle, tried to choke Miss M.
  • Mar. 11 - R. M. locked in Seclusion Room for choking R. J. then attacking Miss M.
  • Mar. 14 - 1 nurse and 2 men took R. M. to Harrisburg State Hospital.
  • June 28 - Harrisburg ordered all locks removed from Seclusion Rooms.
  • June 30 - A. P., runaway, stole from Forest Ranger's house and camps. M. L., Johnston Cottage AWOL, at Polly Pines Camp threatening women and children and breaking windows in car. Returned.
  • July 30 - Johnston at camp. Brought E. C. back with 2 people restraining her. Sent to Danville State hospital.
  • Aug. 12 - All J. Cottage moved onto A Ward. Got restless and moved out at 8:30 p. m. E. C. put on an act.
  • Aug. 16 - E. C. broke 3 T.V.s. R. S. from Johnston set fire to a mattress.
  • Aug. 19 - M. K. and M. K. disturbed.
  • Aug. 30 - Bad evening Johnston Cottage.
  • Aug. 31 - " " " "
  • Oct. 12 - Bad time at Johnston Cottage. R. N. injured. R. S. and M. L. in Seclusion Room. S. B. acting out on "Skid Row".
  • Nov. 2 - 32 new patients from Western PA. 24 males. Cottage 3 reopened.
  • Nov. 23 - A. R. throwing rocks at cars. 2 girls refused meds. - 2 injections
  • Dec. 26 - Staff member attacked by L. D.


  • Jan.27 - R. J. acting out - not enough right meds.
  • April 15 - Cottage 11 girls fighting. E. H. walked down Rt. 45 throwing stones at cars.
  • July 9 - S. B. from Cottage 3 fell out of second floor window.
  • July 17 - R. S. 3 days in Seclusion Room. Men stand by when door is open.
  • July 31 - 6 accidents.

*Compiled by Emilie F. Jansma with assistance from Bob Derr and Hilda Shively. 4/20/23