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Laurelton Education Department Timeline

Caveat: this is a very skewed distribution list because of a lack of availability of state reports for many years and a heavy amount of news articles during the 1955 investigations. Most single-year numbers listed for teachers simply meant that the teacher was there that year and their start and finish years are unknown.


April 1914—November 1, 1916: Report of the Board of Managers - Pennsylvania State Village for Feeble-minded Women of Child-bearing Age 

Act No. 817: 

“It is specifically determined that the process of an agricultural training shall be primarily considered in the Education Department. The Superintendent shall also appoint instructors.  There shall be a system to secure instruction in an English Education” 

Nothing is mentioned about education from November 1916 until 1922.


A teacher of handicrafts was hired. A budget report shows that $116.00 was spent for the year on Educational supplies for 141 girls. This equals $.71 per girl. Based on a study it was decided to place greater emphasis on the industrial instead of academic education. The psychologist was working on a course of study.

In the 1922—1924 report to the state, the Board of Trustees show expenditures for education as:

Teacher Salary: $475.67, Text Books: $2.20, General school supplies: $66.34, and other school expenses of $2.00 for 155 girls.


The first school was opened January 2, 1923 in C 3 – Lomison Hall with 98 students. Moral training was deemed to be the most important part of education. A plan of self-governance was to be devised to teach responsibility. Sears Roebuck catalogs were used as textbooks. It was still more like that of a prison with inmates. The Mental Health Act of 1923 gave legal sanction for a system for parole and a program of academics, industry, and social training to prepare inmates for discharge or placement.


Lucy/Luci Burns was a Teacher

Before 1930, (Miss) Hilda Jolly was in charge of the schools. Then Miss Ida Von Neida was put in charge of the schools and Miss Anna Mary Moyer was hired as Academic Teacher.
In 1930, Mayeva (Karstetter) Fetterolf was serving as an Attendant, then became a Teacher in that year, and by 1942, she was Head Teacher and Head of the Education Department.  


Grace Bitler was a Teacher


A 1931 report was submitted as an annual report by the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent. There were 714 residents. Schoolwork was cut out for all but 4th - 8th grades. 3rd grade might be added. 

1931—1932 (Miss) Elizabeth Daubenspeck was added as a Teacher;
1932—1954 (Mrs.) Margaret V. Scofield was an Academic Teacher;
1936 Grace Hicks was added as a Teacher in 1936;
1937 (Mrs.) Jeanette (Glover) Wagner (m. Bausman);
1940 Anna Green - Home Economics Teacher; Helen Weist - Home Economics Teacher

1940 – 1946

1940—1946 (Miss) Ruth A. Hicks – Academic Teacher;
1941—1943 (Miss) Elizabeth K. Sanders – Teacher;
1942—1943 (Miss) Grace Halfpenny – Teacher;
1942—1955 (Miss) Sylvia M. Coffman, BS - Dietician, Home Economics Teacher;
1943—1944 (Mrs.) Miriam (Utt) Frank – Teacher; and (Miss) Edith E. Rohrer
1944 (Miss) Antoinetta Matricia – Gym Teacher; (Miss) Dominica Matricia – Teacher; (Miss) Marion R. Meixell, BS – Academic Teacher; (Miss) Marion Kern – Teacher; (Miss) Ernestine Dietrick – Teacher; (Miss) Jeanne Hal______ - Music Teacher; (Miss) Ida L. Keesinger – Teacher; (Mrs.) Donna R. (Rundett) Roberts, AB – Physical Education Instructor;
1945—1953 – Jacob E. Winkleblech, BS - Vocational Teacher

In 1942 the professional staff was expanded with Physicians, Nurses, four Academic Teachers, one Speech Correctionist, one Director of Music, two Occupational Therapists, four Sewing Instructors, and four Laundry Iinstructors.

1946 – 1948

1946—1948 was again a Biennial Report from Superintendent Ireland to the Board of Trustees and the Board of Trustees to the State. The School Department consisted of:

Esther Marion Smith, MS – Head Teacher
Nellie J. Bowersox – Academic Teacher;
Margaret V. Scofield – Academic Teacher;
Marion R. Meixell, BS – Academic Teacher;
Edna Boop – Academic Teacher;
Kathryn S. Walter, BS – Instructor of Music;
Betsy (Graeff) Blakely, BS – Physical Instructor;
Mary Demyan – Home Economics Teacher;
Mrs. Eyer d. – Teacher;
Mrs. Betty Jean Kenealy – Home Economics Teacher;
Mrs. Harriet Faulk – Vocal Instructor

Total of 1090 residents with 167 in Academic school.

Miss Smith took over the library in the Recreation Hall. It was used by staff and residents. She got the Weekly Reader as the newspaper.

1948 – 1950

1948—1950 Report lists the School Department:

Esther Marion Smith, BS – Head Teacher;
Nellie J. Bowersox – Academic Teacher;
Margaret V. Scofield – Academic Teacher; Edna Boop - Academic Teacher;
Mary W. Pollock, BA – Academic Teacher;
H. Hope Peters, BS – Vocal Music Instructor;
Elizabeth T. Kolvick – Instrumental Music Teacher;
Harriet P. Faulk, BS -  Vocational Education Teacher;
Barbara A. Prevost, BS – Physical Education

Total of 1111 Residents

1950 – 1952

(Miss) Marjorie Scharf/Schraf – Vocational Teacher;
1951 Mr. Carroll was the Instrumental Music Teacher;
1951—1966 Dr. Helen Naugh_______ Director of Education

1952 – 1954

Report lists:

No head teacher at the time;
Nellie J. Bowersox – Academic Teacher;
Margaret V. Scofield  - Academic Teacher;
Edna Boop – Academic Teacher;
Mary W. Pollack, BA – Academic Teacher;
Carolyn Joy McC. Sheaffer, BS – Instrumental Music;
(Mrs.) Frances A. Drumm, BS – Vocal Music Teacher;
(Mrs.) Mary (Stettler) Lovell/Lowell? - Choir Teacher

Total of 1214 Residents

1954 - 1958

Frances D. Crawford – Music Teacher;
(Miss) Patricia A. Colgan (Losinger), BS – Physical Education Instructor;
(Mrs.) Grace Gelnet, BS – Orchestra Music and Home Economics;
Rebecca J. Shade – Music Teacher

1954—1955 (Miss) Shirley Trudgeon – Home Economics Teacher; Helen B. Wetzel – Academic Teacher;
1955 Margaret McCern – Academic Teacher; Elva C. Kauffman – Academic Teacher; Mary B. Shafer – Academic Teacher; Mary M. Shinaberry, DEd. - Educational Director; Jane S. Slocum – Academic Teacher;
1955—1956 Ruth B. Graham – Academic Teacher; Barbara Frederick – Academic Teacher;
1955—1958 Fayeline B. Spaid- Academic Teacher; Emily W. Lybarger, BA – Academic Teacher;
1958 Carrie Emma (Eardley) Yoder - Teacher d.1958;
1955—1960 Sarah (Paxton) “Sally” Kenamond - Home Economics Teacher – Vocational Teacher;
1956—1957 L. R. McCoy – Teacher and Accounting Department 

1957 – 1970

(Miss) Hazel Gravell – Director of Vocal Music;

After 1960 Marjorie Murray – Director of Education;
1960—? Miss Stahl - Teacher;
1960s Dio K. Chamberlin – School Principal;
1964—1975 Bill Criswell – Teacher 5th and 6th grades;
1967 Barbara (Pollock) Prideau – Teacher;
Before 1969 Andrew Karpinski – Principal of School, Director of Education and Training

20 Teachers: six Home Training, one Vocal Music, one Instrumental Music, 12 Academic Teachers;

1970 Act 102 of 1970 established I.U. units

1971 Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit #16 started. It ran consecutively along with the Laurelton School for those not eligible for CSIU school. The CSIU was responsible for students under age 2. Laurelton's Education Dept. and teachers were responsible for individuals 22 and older who needed more education. 

1975 IDEA - (Individuals with Disabilities Education Law). Free appropriate public education appropriate to individual needs I.E.P. This was re-authorized in 2004. 


Central Susquehanna Intermedicate Unit #16 started. It ran consecutively along with the Laurelton School for those not eligible for CSIU school.


Greg Graynor 


Julia Reitz (Borys)


Karen Kehler – Teacher’s Aide