Laurelton Reading List

Books about different facets of life at institutions similar to Laurelton.

The Lives They left Behind, Suitcases From a State Hospital Attic, Darby Penney and Peter Stastay, 2008, Bellevue Literary Press (from Willard Psychiatric Center near Seneca Lake, New York State).
Originally $16.99  ISBN 978 1934137-14-7   This book lists many other sources.

The Orphans of Davenport (Iowa) (A Study of Intelligence of Nature vs. Nurture), Marilyn Brookwood,
July 2021, a sad but very important work, $14.16 - $24.65

A novel but very true to life.  What Rose Forgot, Nevada Barr, 2019, Minotaur Books, N. Y.  Originally $28.99. ISBN 978-1-250-20713-5

Evidence of V, A novel in fragments, facts and fiction.  Sheila O’Connor, Rose Metal Press, 2019, Originally $16.95. ISBN 9781-941628-19-5.  This also lists many other sources.

The Foundling, A novel but very true to life. Ann Leary, 2022, Scribner/Mary Sue Rucci Books. $27.00. ISBN 978-1-9821-2038-2

Raised by Satan and Left to Die, a supposed memoir of a woman's life from orphanage to institution. Marlene Ann Staley as told to Tammy Watson, privately published. 2021. ISBN 9798487510471. This book is poorly written and full of inaccuracies.

*While three of these are novels, they are extremely close to not being fiction.