Laurelton Employees Part III

This list contains the names of more than 300 employees. An additional list of more than 1500 residents can be found here.

Names have been collected from census records; newspaper articles and notices, mostly prior to 1970; Biennial Reports to the State of Pennsylvania; websites maintained by former employees; personal recollections of interviewees; and obituaries with the assistance of many but in particular Judy S. Pelter, Reeves Power, Bob Derr. Cindy Cullison, Ron Madle, Meg Paterson, Sally Starr, and Norman Wenrick.

Names vary in spelling, form, use of titles, and maiden names depending upon the source. In addition to appearing in this master list of employee names, names are also in some sub-sets. These include but are not limited to professional medical personnel, Superintendents, psychological personnel, individuals with the Volunteer and Foster Grandparent Programs, chaplains, and women employees from the Weikert area. Job titles are shown with a variety of designations used during the different decades and as provided by families in obituaries. The titles of Miss and Mrs. were used in early years. Also, Mr., Mrs., and Miss served in lieu of first names in many instances.

Prior to the pandemic of 2020, some Laurelton employees met three times a year – April – August – and November for a luncheon. Every other year a reunion of employees was held in August. Once the Covid 19 epidemic has truly subsided, these may be resumed. As of 2022, websites with contributions from former employees on Facebook are “Laurelton Center” and “If you remember, you may have worked at Laurelton”. A paid subscription to at gives you full access to their files.

Initial code definitions follow the name list.

Additional Employee Lists

Teachers and Education Department  Superintendents  Teachers by Year  Physicians  Chaplains    Employee List I  Employee List II  

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  


Kathy (Houdershell) Aikey

Wendy Aikey - 20 years service - 1996

Maebelle Verna (Corman) Alters - Matron

Rose Astick


Shirley Marie Benner

Cindy Bailey

Mary Bascom - 1998

Eva May (Coop) Berger - ret. with 29 years service - d. 2/2022

Glenn Berger

Lethia Biddinger - nurse - 1927

Miss Arminta Bingaman - resigned 1927

Theron Boob - d. 11/2000

Mary Ann Bornick

Barb Bower

Eileen M. (Sechman) Bowersox - Matron - d. 12/1999

Maude Gertrude (Mitchell) Boyer - Aide - ret. 1962 with 11 years service - d. 6/2001

Bert Brown

Adrenna Elizabeth (Smith) Sheesley Burd - Aide - d. 2/1999

Lois Byler - Res. Aide - Glover - 1989

Loretta Byler - Res. Aide - McClure - 1992 - 1997


? Margaret Carter?

Dorothy Louise (Valentine) Catherman - ret. 1991 - d. 10/1998

Margaret Irene "Dolly" Crader - Cowbarns and Switchboard - ret. 1985 - d. 1/2004

Jim Crater - 15 years

Carl M. Culp - Carpenter - 25 years - ret. 1996 - d. 11/2005


Andy Damiello - Farmer

Esther Marguerite (Anderson) Damiello - Aide Child care 11 years - ret. 1979 - d. 8/1997

Rose Davis - Switchboard - 1974

Lynn Ellen Dixon - Aide direct care staff - ret. 1997 with 19 plus years - mostly Derr

?Betty Diehl?

Susan Duboskey - I. U. Speech Therapist

Linda M. Dutrow, RN - d. 9/2023


John Franklin Eaton - Revenue Agent - 1962 - 1971 - d. 11/2001

Martha Caroline (Jordan) Eisenhauer - d. 3/1997

John Elliott - Director of Speech and Hearing


?Galen Fetzer?

Robert Elwood Finsterbush - Storeroom Advisor - 1970 - 1983 - d. 1/2002

?Brenda Flynn?

Karen Auman Fortier

Jeanne Forman

Marlin Frederick

Wanda Freed

Kenneth Freethy - 1974

Miriam Frye - O.T. Aide

Emily Futhey


Erma E. Garman, RN

Helen Lenore (Boop) Bowes Gelnett, LPN d. 1997

Ida Mae (Jordan) Gharret - F.G.P. - 27 years - d. 6/2000

Alice Aquilla (Walters) Gross - Kitchen - 10 years - d. 5/1990

?Bernie Gilbert?

?Angeline Grove?


Faye Kathryn (Zimmerman) Hackenburg - Cook d. 1/2003

Grace (Zechman) Hackenburg - F.G.P.

Rhoda E. (Catherman) Hartley - Aide - d. 8/2001

Doris A. (Rishel) Hartman - Aide - 30 years d. 6/2023

Miss Haywood - 1964

Joan Heim, RN - 2nd shift - 1994 - 1998

Miss Blanche Hein - resigned 1927

Jay A. "Jake" Hill - attendant - ret. 1991 - d. 9/2000

Roberta "Bobbie" Lee (Reidell) Hollenback - d. 11/2023

Gladys Ruth (Corman) Hosterman - Aide - nearly 25 years service - 8/2001

Lucie Burg Hwozdek - correction


Lynn Inch - ret. 1998

Marcy Irwin


Harry Marlin Kahl - 31 years service - d. 1/2016

Alice Kennedy - Project Manager

Mary Kinley

Mark Knarr - 1998

Daphne Kratzer - Clerk typist - 1995

Wm. J. "Bill" Kratzer - Accountant - ret. 1990 d. 4/2004

Lucille Kreamer

Faye (Kearns) Kreps, L.P.N. - ret. - d. 3/2000

Arlene Krick

Karl Krick - Aide - 1975 - 1998


Bertha Landis- 1950 - early 1960s

Mable Lane

Michael Lapotsky - Aide - 1998

Beatrice Loss - F.G.P. - 8 years

Dorothy Myrtle (Montague) Loss - d. 7/1998


Emily Mack - Cook B - 1927

?Helen Mattern ?

Dorothy McMullin - switchboard - 1974

Myrtle C. (Grove) Yost Miller - seamstress - d. 5/2001

Pauline Miriam - Aide - 22 years - d. 10/2000

Charlie Mitchell - 1995

Margaret V. Mitchell - ret. 1965 - d. 1/2004

Amy Musser - d. 7/2001


Ethel Virginia (Bastian) Napp - Aide - d. 1991

Joel Nentwig - maintenance - 1990s till the end

Harold E. Noll - ret. carpenter and maintenance d. 6/2000

Helen E. (Bingaman) Norman - patient care Aide - 21 years - ret. 1981 - d. 10/2006


Deb Loreman Page - RSA - RSAS - RSW at VAS

Miss Sarah Pardoe - Attendant- 1927 - 1937

Helen Gladys (Boyd) Parks - nursing assistant - 20 years - ret. 3/1983 - d. 4/2010

Greg Planz - 1998

Acquilla (Strawsor) Pontius - Supervisor 17 years ret. 1992 - d. 3/1998

Brenda Purcell


Pauline E. Rambler - FGP - ?23 years - 1998

Walter J. Reeder - d. 9/2-003

Bob Reedy - correction - Laundry - E.O.M. 1881

Helen Renninger - 30 years service

?Elaine (Heimbach) Resides - Aide - 1974-1998

William Resides - Glover - 1974 - 1982

Melva/Melvina? Ritter

Lois Robey?

Beatrice Alberta (Knepp) Roush - Kitchen Supervisor - 23 years service - ret. 1980 d. 6/1998

Laura Elizabeth (Zimmerman) Ruhl - Aide 18 years service - ret. 1972


Edward George Santer, Jr. - d. 2003

Mr. Scartelli

Sanford Samuel Schnure - maintenance - ret. 1969 - d. 2001

Roberta (Thomas) Schrader - FGP 25 years d. 1/2002

Cindy (Myers) Seigel - 1974 - 1977

Connie Sheesley

Doris Marie (Hess) Shively - d. 1/2024

Kathryn Mae (Adams) Shively - 1975 - 1995 d. 2/2024

Pauline Mabel (Leitzell) Shively - Aide 1962 - 1978 - d. 1/2006

R. James Shively

Betty Shoemaker

Mrs. Shoener - 1972

Ruth Syern?

Kathy Smith - Res. Aide - 1998

?Sharon Snook Snyder?

Helen Mae (Zechman) Stahl - dietary d. 2003

Aida J. (Yohn) Stark - caregiver - almost 22 years service - d. 10/2007

Helen (Diefenbach) Steese - Matron - FGP - d. 2001

Virginia Steese

Lou Stitely - correction

(Miss) Kathryn Stoker - Xmas 1939

Lola M. (Hosterman) Stover - d. 1/2005

Lodie (Wolf) Strickler, LPN - 10 years service - d. 5/1991

Meda E. (Wagner) Struble - d. 9/2002

Sherry Suloff - 1996

Anna Mae Louise (Martz) Swartzlander - Aide - 25 years - ret. 1986 - d. 1/2001


? Alice Taylor?


Carol Updegrove - recreation


Gladys Mae (Himmelreich) Valentine - Aide 18 years - ret. 1969 - d. 10/1998

Roy Voneida

Diane Vonneida

Myrtle Irene (Englehart) Von Neida ret. 1984 with 10 years service


?Frances M. (Orndorf) Wagner - Supervisor 1946 - d. 9/2023?

Peter Walters

Lynn Wance - 2-01?

Faye Ward, Supervisory Dietary 1976 - 1996

William Waters - Butcher

John Weidenhamer - Co-ord. FGP 10 years service - ret. 1978 - d. 11/ 1979

Elizabeth "Betsy" (Aimmeti) Sheesley, Williams

Nancy Ann (Wert) Willow - nurses aide - d. 1999

Zora Wolfe - 1927


Leroy "Butch" Yeager

Linda Yeager


Earl Zechman

Ethel M. (Renard) Zechman - Aide - d. 6/1998

Mary (Wagner) Zechman - Cook's Asst ret. 1970 - d. 3/2002

M. Esther (Boop) Zimmerman - Cook for Superintendant


Bapt. - baptized

B – black, N – negro, C -colored

BPW – Business and Professional Women’s Club – most Milton

Conf. - Confirmed – mostly 1943

D in the front divorced; d. in the rear deceased

DC – Drama club member d/dec.

Deceased EOS - end of stay

ESC – escapee

K – kidnapped

M – married

S - separated

1930 – most from the 1930 census 

1940 – most from the 1940 census

1950 – most from the 1950 census